7 Days to Die | EasyGame - EN

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Our Bloodline Server is self-explanatory, only general rules apply to ensure a certain order:

– No direct or indirect insults
– "If you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to be quiet."
– No racism – also no advertising for it
– Political opinions are intellectual property – so feel free to keep them to yourself
– No conversations with sexual content – observe youth protection
– Adhere to an appropriate choice of words
– Sharing of personal data is not recommended
- This is a friendly server ! Destroying other players' things is undesirable and can lead to a ban if repeated.
(Note a ban on one of our servers will result in a ban on all of our servers)
- Building in the cities is not prohibited, but should not hinder the flow of the game for others!

Modification of the server:

     5000% EXP
     1000% loot
     120 minutes a day (day 60% night 40%)
     4 land claims (each 41 blocks)
     30 meters distance to the next player build (except friends)

Ingame chat commands: /discord

We added some server side mods:

– 50k stack
– MegaBackPack
– AlwaysOpenTrader
– Bigger Forge
– AGF-A21HUDPlus1.8.0
- HPBarMod
- QualityModSlots

If you have problems, please contact the administrator/moderator in the discord!